Ted Head - Boat at Dawn Watercolor Workshop ( Sat. June 8th | 11am - 5:15pm)

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Product description

This 1-day watercolor workshop will be fun and informative as we paint a small boat floating in calm water, surrounded by a colorful sunrise. We’ll do lots of wet-into-wet painting, creating soft clouds and a rising sun. Drawing skills lacking? Not a problem as you’ll be tracing your subject onto the paper from a provided outline, allowing for more time to work on learning some wonderful new techniques. Come take your painting to the next level! The class is light and informal, with short demos along the way. Improve your skills, and above all…have fun!


Supply List:

Reddi Arts has a list of my recommended supplies. Just ask at the front counter. Student grade paints are not recommended...they are cheap for a reason (I’m looking at you Cotman!) Buy quality paints as they are worth it. Cheap ones will only discourage you! Tube paints are preferred, as opposed to dry cakes, but they will work if you have them. I use M. Graham watercolors, but Daniel Smith, Holbein, and many others are fine. Reddi Arts now carries M. Graham.



Ultramarine Blue

Burnt Sienna

Maroon Perylene

Cadmium Orange

Yellow (Azo or Cadmium Yellow Light)

Purple (Dioxazine Purple or any purple/violet)

Cerilean Blue



Brushes and Other Supplies:

3/4: flat wash brush

#6 Round brush

#12 Round brush

#0 Round brush

Bring any brushes you have, a variety of round brushes between 2 and 12.

Holbein Gold a fine brand. Remember, the best brushes hold a lot of water!


• Masking fluid or liquid frisket. Pebeo Drawing Gum is good and inexpensive. A ruling pen for the masking fluid. Reddi-Arts has them, and I have a few for $8.

• A large mixing pallet made for watercolors. One with individual wells for paint, and large area for mixing are the best. Container(s) for water.

• Our painting is 9x12, so a 11x14 or 16x20 COD PRESS watercolor pad (300lb or 140lb), or a half-sheet (15x22) of COLD PRESS WATERCOLOR PAPER. 300lb is best but 140lb will work. Make sure it is 100% cotton. Also, do not use Canson paper! 

• If not using a pad, you MUST have a hard support to tape your paper to, and prop up at a slight angle. Gatorboard is best, but a sheet of masonite or and hard surface will work too.

• You’ll need something to prop up your board at an angle. A roll of paper towels works.

• You’ll also need one sheet of gray non-wax graphite paper to transfer your provided outline onto your watercolor paper. Bring a pen to trace, and a pencil for sketching. 2B is best.


Bring your lunch and several drinks for the day.

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