Colors included are: Colors included are: Burnt Sienna, Burnt Umber, Cerulean Blue, Chinese White, Cobalt Blue Hue, Cobalt Green, Compose Blue, Crimson Lake, Ivory Black, Jaune Brillant #2, Light Red, Mineral Violet, Permanent Green #1, Permanent Green #2, Permanent Yellow Deep, Permanent Yellow Lemon, Prussian Blue, Rose Madder, Terre Verte, Ultramarine Deep, Vermilion Hue, Viridian Hue, Yellow Grey and Yellow Ochre.
More finely ground than any other artist watercolor, Holbein Artist Watercolor is produced without ox-gall, animal by-products or other dispersing agents. This affords the user greater control in the dispersal of their pigments, enhances handling qualities and delivers color of unequaled intensity, purity and reliability for brilliant transparent washes and/or powerful, clean darks.